High Frequency Food and Your Quality of Life


By Monique J Prior, global well being consultant

Over the years of mentoring many people to a healthier and more fulfilling life, I’ve noticed a common thread among those who make the transition to a life of inspiration, wellness and ever increasing vitality. It’s something so simple yet so under-rated and even misunderstood.

Although many people will agree that it is important to some degree, so few are prepared to dive in whole heartedly to make these life altering changes for themselves. So many excuses… not enough time, too difficult, too expensive, the family won’t like it, next week… If I had a magic wand, I’d use it to show everyone how this one thing could bring a level of bliss and vitality and joy that would make all the excuses… ahem, reasons… in the world worthless.
It’s something that directly impacts your quality of life. It’s something you do daily and something your ancestors have done forever, since the beginning of time. Yet for many of us it’s something we now do with little mindfulness, on automatic pilot, a daily necessity driven by habit and emotions that we are often too busy to notice or acknowledge. And all the while we are mostly oblivious to the immense power it holds over our body, mind and emotions.

I’m talking about food and the power it holds over your quality of life, from your physical health to your emotional states to how you think and to the vitality you feel throughout each day of your life. But food is just something that gives use enough energy to get through the day and keep away hunger pains, right? Wrong!!
Food is life.
• Food is your medicine.
• Food is fuel.
• Food is a reflection of how you feel.
• Food is celebration.
• Food is community.
• Food is art.
• Food is sacred.
• Food is permission for you to live the most inspired and vital life imaginable!

Food nourishes or destroys, building up or breaking down your body, mind and emotions. Your food choices are a pathway that will lead you to health or dis-ease. The food you eat will either raise you up and put you on the path of vitality or leave you sinking in the quicksand of lethargy.

Food on heart plate with stethoscope cardiology concept
When you choose nourishing foods, you do so much more than simply satisfy a physical hunger. By eating high frequency Earth based food, you give yourself permission to thrive on every level of being; body, mind and emotions.

Your food choices become a willingness to bring about personal change to live a highly inspired life. You begin to hunger for vitality across all areas of your life. And these choices allow you to reclaim control over your life in ways that you may never have imagined possible – all stemming from the food you choose to eat… or don’t eat!
So let’s delve a little deeper into this idea that food choices can transform your life. What type of foods are we talking about here? What type of foods could possibly have this level of power? Sounds almost magical doesn’t it? Well, in a way it is! And once you begin to make these changes and feel the transformation taking place, you’ll wonder why nobody ever told you about this before!

fresh frequency food
Health and body building food with fish and meat, supplement powders, vitamin tablets, pulses, nuts, vegetables, fruit and high protein and juice smoothie shakes.

Foods that can transform your life are the ones that the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, called “food as medicine”. These foods are the ones handed up to us, directly from our Mother Earth. Not the stuff that comes boxed, frozen and ready for the deadly microwave oven. Food as medicine is real, in its purest form, complete and natural.

Food as medicine will nourish your body, mind and emotions. Real food is the modern day revolution! The type of foods I’m talking about are packed with life giving nutrients. Foods of the highest frequency that will lift your vitality to levels you never imagined possible.

There is nothing complicated or confusing about these foods because they are easy to recognize. They are the fruits of the Earth. The only question you need ask yourself to be able to identify these ‘medicine foods’ is this: “would I find this food growing wild and free in abundance on our Earth Mother?”

If the ‘food’ comes with a list of strange and unknown preservatives, additives or numbers, chances are that it’s not real food. Real foods are whole-foods. And you will easily see if they were picked from a tree or harvested from the ground. Just so there is no confusion, what we’re talking about here are these unsung heroes:
• fruits
• vegetables
• nuts and seeds (including hemp seeds)
• whole grains
• cold pressed oils (including hemp oil)
• pickled and fermented foods like sauerkraut, olives, kombucha, kefir, kim-chi etc.
• local fish/free range and pasture fed stock (if you choose to eat meat and fish)

Once you have your real Earth foods, the trick is to eat the rainbow. Eat with your eyes first! Create beautiful color combinations for a broad spectrum of nutrients. Just think, the more colors, the more variety of vitamins and minerals you are feeding your body, mind and emotions.

You are now creating a plate of high frequency, nutrient dense rainbow food that will build you up to feeling on top of the world. And the longer you eat in this fashion, the better you will feel. If you think you feel good now, wait until you have been on a high frequency eating pattern for a few weeks, a few months or years!