Identifying the Right CBD


By Johathan Sanchez

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In the present day cannabis has pushed itself to the front page of the news and is polarizing people in society. The health benefits that are coming to light are astronomical and if the results continue at this rate the landscape of medicine will be changed forever. One of the biggest buzz words in this space is CBD, an acronym for Cannabidiol. The popularity of CBD products and continuing strength of testimonies regarding the effects of CBD on the body has brought a wealth of new consumers to the market eager to get anything with CBD. This can be both a good thing for the cannabis movement as well as very destructive – with all of flash, some entrepreneurs are salivating for potential fortunes from CBD – based products and losing quality along the way.

I am going to attempt to do is give you some tools and things to look out for to ensure you and your family don’t get ripped off, and have a safe experience when you take the plunge into the world of CBD. I am going to answer some frequently asked questions and clear the air on some misconceptions about CBD and its uses as well. First things first, “what is CBD?” and “where does it come from?” CBD is short for Cannabidiol. CBD is the 2nd highest cannabinoid found in most medical cannabis and the highest found in industrial hemp products. In many people’s eyes CBD holds the largest portion of the medicinal value found in the cannabis plant. Though this might not be the full story there is some merit to the statement. CBD is most like our natural endocannabinoids anandamide and 2-AG. Unlike THC, which only bonds to CB1 receptors, CBD partially bonds to both sets of receptors found within the endocannabinoid system, CB1 and CB2.

For now we are going to be focusing on CBD collected from industrial hemp because it is available to the largest amount of people and has been my focus over the last year. Many of the facts associated with hemp based CBD can apply to medical cannabis as well. But that is a topic for another time. A few times a week I have someone who asks me “Why don’t I need a card to buy these products?” Back in 2014 the “Farm Act” was passed. Among the pages and pages of the act, Section 7606 outlines the use of hemp for research purposes of both cultivation and uses of industrial hemp, this also includes derived products as well. This did not open the avenue for a truly controlled and regulated market, but it did allow for sales of hemp derived products to the general public as long as THC was .3% or less by dry weight. The products also had to be in a fiber, seed, or derived product form.

Not all CBD are created equal, and bad products and can be found online, in health food stores, in dedicated store fronts, and even in certain smoke shops. A high profile case involving fake CBD recently in appeared in the Utah news. With no regulations to help consumers, knowing where your hemp products are being grown, how they are being produced, and how much (if any) genuine CBD is actually in them is of utmost importance. So make sure you know what to ask and what to pay attention to!

Quality starts at the farm. Cannabis/hemp is known as a ‘diverse bioaccumulator,’ meaning the plant easily absorbs heavy metals, radiation, and chemicals from the soil and air it is grown in, which is great when revitalizing farm land or a chemical spill. This capacity is not necessarily so great when making health food supplements. This is why hemp grown out of the country should be avoided, strictly, because it is hard to determine the environment and how the hemp is grown. Organically grown from a reputable farm that does periodic soil testing is the only way to ensure optimal safety. But how do we know this is the type of farm the hemp we are using is from? It is OK to ask questions about the products a company carries, like “Where is it grown? Was is grown organically? Are tests done in multiple stages for this product?” This is much easier to do when purchasing from a brick and mortar storefront, whether it be a dedicated shop or just one that carries a few CBD products. This is part of the reason why I always push for people to purchase CBD products from a person. Not only are you going to be able to ask them all the questions you want to and get answers in a timely manner, but you can also test their knowledge. Even when you know about the product already, a business owner’s answer will give you an idea how seriously they take their products and how committed they are to providing quality service associated with the products they carry. Always shop local, and support small business.

The highest quality hemp based products have both contamination and potency testing from a third party lab for each batch they produce. The manufacturer will make those test results available for distributors and consumers and want to be as transparent as possible as to what goes into their products. You should always ask to see these tests – not that test results can’t be counterfeited but it is a worthwhile data-point to show you are purchasing the product the salesperson is claiming. If they are unwilling to show you any results or the salesperson doesn’t have the knowledge you feel necessary to serve someone needing professional hemp products do yourself and the industry a favor and do not purchase products from that establishment.

Ask if the product you are buying is ‘full spectrum’ or an ‘isolate CBD product.’ The difference being ‘full spectrum products’ have present of all the cannabinoids and terpenes found in the original plant it was extracted from, whereas ‘isolates’ extract the CBD by itself. A full spectrum is often the most desirable product due to what is coined the “entourage effect,” which is basically a combination effect where CBD works better other cannabinoids and terpenes are present. Though isolate products do have value they are limited on how well they work and how much is required for an effective serving.

There are a few downsides to full spectrum CBD, and for those sensitive in extreme full spectrum products can produce a sedative effect. Such people often find what they are looking for from an isolate. Than there are people whose employers require them to take drug screens – as stated previously there can still be .3% or less of THC in hemp products. Though this is too small of an amount to create the intoxication associated with THC, the amount can build up over time and show up as a false positive in a drug screen. In these cases an isolate is necessary, as drug screens only look for THC, not CBD. Isolates work for many people to help with their anxiety, depression, and even mild Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in relieving of symptoms just as well as a full spectrum product.

Finding a company that produces transparent, accurate, and clean hemp based products can seem a bit daunting. There are many products to choose from at your average hemp based CBD shop. To make this process a little easier, let’s dive into which product to choose. I want to state I am not a medical professional, and the suggestions I make are all based off of my past experiences working with people using hemp based medical cannabinoid supplements.

There are three basic categories of hemp products: oral oil-based tinctures and capsules, food products containing CBD (cookies, candies, chocolates, mouth sprays, etc.), and vapor products to be inhaled. But what do we choose? That is based off of 2 factors: what you are comfortable with, and what symptoms you are trying to address with the CBD product. When first starting out go with what you are comfortable with, you will never create a healthy habit if you do not enjoy using the product.

Some applications of CBD works better than others for particular disorders. Let us cover a few of the most common issues people seek hemp products for and which product or products would be best for treatment. Arthritic pain is common in many patients and often causes inflammation – for this use CBD shines. CBD is a COX-2 inhibitor, meaning it interrupts the production of the COX-2 enzyme that causes inflammation and many people pain. A full spectrum CBD will increase this effect as well as aid in pain signaling to the brain. Edible products and an oral tincture reportedly have strong effects on inflammation and pain. A salve can provide spot relief on achy muscles, but salves may not affect deep enough to reach the joint where pain often is.

The 2nd most common guest to a CBD shop is the 1st most common suffering and imbalance in the modern brain, Anxiety. It comes in many different forms with many different triggers. One of the truly beautiful things about CBD in any form is its’ ability to calm the mind in a heightened or agitated state. Inhaled products provide a very fast effect within about 10 minutes and the medicine lasts for about 2 hours. Great to prevent the onset of anxiety but is ultimately lacking as a longer term solution. A tincture taken reliably a few times per day and will provide consistent all day relief and even help with sleep if taken in a larger serving before bed.

Another frequent guest to CBD stores are parents looking for relief for their children, especially for children with ADHD or ADD. Many parents wish to avoid a dangerous pharmaceutical route to help their child focus in school and day to day life. Children can have a difficult time with the tincture because of taste and texture in the oil, so look for high quality products that where less flavor is present. Tinctures can also be added to a drink – it will float on top but will go down easily. There are other delivery options as simple as gummy candies or even traditional pill form. Parents are giving the hemp to their children 2-3 times per day and seeing promising results that promise to become a seed for future research.

This is only part of the story when it comes to hemp and cannabis based medicine. There is so much to learn about the history and the way cannabis interacts with the human body and the endocannabinoid system. New studies and evidence are being started and found every day. The ever expanding knowledge might one day turn common beliefs on their head, as things already have a few times since cannabis began its’ journey into the light for this beautiful plant. With your curiosity and dedication as a community to cannabinoid based medicine we will win the fight for this medicine and for those that are suffering. Blessed be.