Cannabinoids Play In Alleviating Pain and Inflammation


By Yvonne Gonzalez

Volume 7 Issue 1

As human beings, we have evolved a complex system of chemical messengers in order to regulate biological functions. Among the most recent discoveries in human health science is the endocannabinoid system. Cannabinoids produced naturally by our body assist in regulating appetite, mood, memory, and other functions. Additionally, the latest research has shed light on the role that cannabinoids play in alleviating pain and inflammation specifically.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is produced by the cannabis plant. It targets receptors in the body in a way that is similar to the cannabinoids naturally produced in the body. Most people are aware that CBD is not capable of causing the mental ‘high’ associated with cannabis. CBD-producing cannabis strains and hemp extracts contain miniscule traces of THC — the main ingredient in cannabis that causes the mind-altering effects. Many products containing CBD, including tinctures, oils, lotions, even lip balm, candies and vape pens, are becoming readily available.

One challenge consumers face is identifying quality CBD products and differentiating them from products that have not been labeled and produced in a manner that is transparent in regard to source, process, potency, and purity. Many patients struggle to understand what constitutes an effective dose for their particular condition. They also have difficulty comparing the varying concentrations and purity of the CBD present in competing products. It is important to understand the various methods to consume CBD and what method of consumption is best for your needs. Educating yourself is key to purchasing and understanding CBD products.

We all have a biological endocannabinoid systems that interact with the CBD present in cannabis to create physical and psychological effects. Andrew Dellwo’s article What is the Endocannabinoid System? describes the three parts that make up the endocannabinoid system.

1.) The endocannabinoids themselves;

2.) The receptors present in the nervous system and throughout the body that endocannabinoids and cannabinoids bond with;

3.) The enzymes that help break down endocannabinoids and cannabinoids. These enzymes stop the effects of CBD.

The endocannabinoid system, like many neurotransmitters, plays an important role throughout the body. It is made up of two receptors CB1 and CB2. Both receptor types respond to cannabinoids and are responsible for their effects. CB1 receptors are found throughout the body, but mainly in the brain and nerves of the spinal cord. CB2 receptors are found in the nerves of the extremities. These receptors regulate many functions in the body such as appetite, pain, sleep, memory, learning, and digestion.

There is a growing body of research on CBD and its’ effects on the body. CBD is a large focus for medical research because the ECS, or endocannabinoid system, helps regulate homeostasis, or the ability of our body to maintain a stable environment in which the biological functions that are crucial to life can occur.

‘Marijuana’ remains illegal in most states. However CBD extracted from cannabis plants can be transported across state lines and imported from other countries. CBD is now legal in almost every state, even Texas. Therefore, you are not breaking the law when being a consumer of CBD products. As a consumer you do not need a medical marijuana card to purchase CBD made from industrial hemp plants. However, in order to purchase a CBD-producing medical cannabis strain for the purposes of growing, a medical marijuana card and a prescription are required.

Scientific research shows that CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea, anti-epileptic and pain-relieving properties. Not only does it benefit the body, CBD’s benefits the mind. CBD has been proven to reduce the incidence of seizures, even in the most affected cases of epilepsy affecting children. There is an increasing amount of research and anecdotal reports confirming that individuals who battle anxiety, depression, and PTSD disorders have successfully used CBD as part of their recovery.

The CBD market and surrounding research is in its infancy and has yet to reach its’ full potential. There is some early evidence of the role the endocannabinoid system and CBD play in the proliferation of cancerous cells in some cancers. It is also important to note that CBD can help with those who have tried THC and experienced paranoia and memory loss as CBD can modulate the effects of the THC on the psyche.

In fact, THC works synergistically with CBD, as a result the effects of both are enhanced and modified when used together. Aside from purified CBD extracts, almost all cannabis products that are not refined will contain a natural blend of the various cannabinoids and terpenes that work together to create what is referred to as the ‘entourage effect.’ While much research remains to be done in this area, it is well established that the full range of cannabinoids, terpenes, and phytochemicals present in the cannabis plant can have additional effects when they work in combination.

CBD extracts made from the entire plant are offered by several producers that firmly believe that cannabis works best when used in a holistic manner. This may largely be a matter of personal preference. Some patients may feel a whole-plant extract is a more natural option, while others may prefer the purity of CBD isolate products.

When purchasing CBD it is crucial to know what to look for. Many companies and random individuals have jumped into the CBD market in hopes of turning a quick profit. As a result, many companies are not being transparent about what ingredients are in their products or how they source their raw material. Always verify that the product has been tested by a reputable institution for potency and for the presence of undesirable pesticides, residual solvents, and ‘mycotoxins’ The product’s label should clearly indicate the concentration of CBD and the percentage of THC present in the extract, if any.

 If the concentration of THC in the oil is above a certain percentage, it may be considered illegal in many states. Additionally, toxins and pesticides are easily absorbed by cannabis and hemp plants. Therefore, it is best to select organically-sourced products. When purchasing a CBD product, it is important to understand the differences in the concentration of the active CBD in the various products. Since there are no set standards, each producer of cannabis extracts has their own manufacturing processes that differ from their competitors. It is crucial to ask questions! Asking questions is the best way to know what you are purchasing. If the retailer is unable to address your concerns about the products they offer, it may be best to select another source.

There are various types of CBD products available. Among the most common products are tinctures. Tinctures are typically used as sublingual drops. Depending on the brand and the product line, the concentration of CBD and the dosage can vary widely. Individuals may choose to take CBD capsules, which are much easier to take. If you want the strongest dosage, you’re going to want to look into concentrates which may contain higher proportions of CBD. Sprays tend to have less of the active ingredient compared to concentrates.

An increasingly popular CBD delivery method involves using a vaping device. A small amount of concentrate is placed into the chamber of a pen-like device that vaporizes the extract so it can be inhaled. Vaping devices and CBD extracts are now commonplace in the market. Topical products, which are applied externally are also becoming more popular. Topical products include lotions, salves, lip balms, and even bath bombs. They can be used in a similar way to other skincare products.

 Again, you should always ask what type of CBD product is right for you. That answer is going to depend on what you feel comfortable with. If you’re thinking that there is one product that should work for you, you could be wrong. Many people use two to three different products in combination. It depends on the medical condition and personal preference.

It is important for retailers and the consumer to be informed regarding all the elements that comprise the CBD market; from the growers of hemp and CBD-producing cannabis strains, to the testing labs and distributors. Going back to the basics helps those who are unaware successfully navigate this evolving market.

It is necessary that the public be knowledgeable about CBD and its effects on the body. There remains a stigma regarding CBD’s relationship to marijuana. People want to be confident knowing they are taking a product that is safe, and that will not have the same mind-altering effects as whole marijuana. They need to know about possible interactions with other medications. Legal issues also need to be addressed, including the possibility that CBD may be detected in a drug screening by their employer. Producers must accurately present the contents, quality control processes, and source of their CBD products clearly on the label. Consumers who feel lost when it comes to CBD deserve to know which products they can trust, which new products they should be trying, and the benefits and side effects they may experience.