Cannabis & Spirituality 2


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By Joseph Jaramillo & Dana Clark

For many recent years people have been using Cannabis to get ‘high,’ however there has not been much education about healthy cannabis use, teaching people to harness and understand the power and potential of what can actually happen when people reach these elevated states.

For longer than recorded history humans have been exploring their potential, and cannabis as a tool has increasingly been used to understand the mysteries of existence. As a result, I believe that many of us are missing out on the vital ways to use this plant to truly activate our potential to heal and be free from the chains that bind us, both mentally and physically. This is why I embody the Cannabis Priestess archetype. I have been called to this mission to educate people on how to connect with the Spirit of Cannabis in a way that activates the wisdom of our deepest truths and promote the expression of our most authentic self. When we can go beyond the “self” and truly connect with our infinite potential we have the ability to bypass our own mind and the blockages that stand in our way. One’s state of being when consuming Cannabis is makes a difference, especially when THC is involved. For a spiritual smoke begin by setting a clear intention from a place of an empty mind and a open heart. If you are consumed with overwhelming thoughts that typically cause you stress and anxiety THC can and likely will amplify or hide what you are feeling. Choose a time of day where you know you will be undisturbed during your process and you can take the necessary time to clear your mind and settle into your body. Setting your intention prior to consumption allows you to stay focused and relaxed. If your intention is to understand the root of a specific challenge, and your mind begins to wander, you will become more aware of which thoughts you are aligning with and which thoughts are your mind wandering. Notice this, observe and release the thoughts that no longer serve you by imagining them fleeing from your mind.

Now return to your focused intention. The key to self-exploration, to consistently be the observer of your thoughts rather than just allowing your mind to spiral. You become increasingly aware of the source of your challenges and thus began to realize that the power to heal resides in you and your self awareness. When you begin your journey with Cannabis it is typical to desire an outcome that will be perceived as “positive” however it is important to understand when working with plant medicine there is no positive or negative outcome. Sometimes emotions will arise that you may see as “undesirable” like anxiety, sadness or even fear. Before you allow these emotions to take over, it is possible to shift your perspective and embrace this as a clear indication of what needs to be released. Anxiety can even be viewed as excess energy due to result of consuming too much THC. A great way to calm our nervous system is to move the energy out of your body. Running in place, jumping jacks, dancing, or any form of quick cardio or movement will help bring you back to a calmer state.

Cannabis can unlock us from our habitual way of thinking, of doing things, give us new perspective and help in releasing the thoughts and emotions that are causing our anxiety. It puts us in touch with our truest thoughts and feelings. Cannabis can enable contemplation and self-reflection. When a skillful, respectful, reciprocal relationship is established, and people can meet the plant in the proper internal and external environment Cannabis can be a powerful plant and spiritual ally. How can one plant spark creativity, enable artistic expression, and allow people to connect to their deepest truths? The beautiful flower of this female plant unlocks ‘yin’ the receptive energy in us all. It can help us feel at one with nature, the collective unconscious, one another and most importantly ourselves. Try to stay mindful and present and take it all in. Wonder in the greatness of nature, take a deep cleansing breath, a relaxing stretch, or a puff of quality Cannabis. These are all ways to balance out the excess ‘yang’ energy in our world today (global pandemics, mass shootings, corporate greed – all penetrating energies.) We’ve been co evolving on this earth for a millennia with Cannabis and it is one of our planets most magical gifts, a medicine for mind, body and soul. Like music or math Cannabis is a universal language.

“When you smoke the herb it reveals you, yourself” – Bob Marley.